College Eating Habits Video

Recognizing Problematic Eating Behaviors And Knowing When To Seek Help

Price: $25
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Jane Reagan's Informative Video Is For Any College Student Who Has Ever Wondered If Their Eating Habits Are 'Normal' OR If They Think They Might Have An Issue With Food.

College Eating Disorders Online Course

Learn the important differences between:

  • "Normal" College Eating Behaviors
  • Bad Habits
  • Disordered Eating
  • Eating Disorders
Registration includes access to both the 38 minute online instructional video and 36 page downloadable ebook (PDF).

Are you at risk for developing an eating disorder in college?

  • Learn The Warning Signs & Symptoms
  • How Disordered Eating Can Affect Your College Life
  • Address Your Negative Eating Behaviors Proactively
  • Find Out If You Might Need Professional Support
The College Eating Habits video provides the essential knowledge to determine if your eating behaviors during college need to be improved, either by self-assessment and modification, or if you need professional assistance and support to address a more serious eating issue.
Register For The College Eating Disorders Online Course

Topics Covered In The College Eating Habits Video

  • Section 1: Why Eating Disorders Are So Common In College
  • Section 2: Why Eating Disorders Appear In College
  • Section 3: Most Common Types Of Eating Disorders In College
  • Section 4: How Eating Disorders Can Affect Your Academics, Mental &Physical Health 
  • Section 5: How Sports Or Athletics In College Can Fuel Eating Disorders
  • Section 6: How Disordered Eating Is Normalized In College
  • Section 7: When Eating Habits Become Harmful: The Warning Signs
  • Section 8: Why And When It Is Important To Get Help
  • Section 9: Where To Get Help If You Need Professional Support
  • Section 10: Additional Resources And Closing Statement
Register For The College Eating Disorders Online Course
Price: $25

About The Video Creator: Jane Reagan, MED, RDN, CEDS-C

Jane Reagan Nutrition
Jane Reagan is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS-C), with a masters in counseling.

She practices a non-diet approach to understanding the impact of food choices on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Jane previousy worked as a Clinical Nutritionist at the University of Colorado’s Wardenburg Health Center for 10 years and helped start CU’s Eating Disorder Team.

Jane has helped thousands of clients understand how food impacts them physically, mentally and emotionally with a “food first” philosophy.

Jane Reagan is also the creator of the Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap For Parents online program which brings her decades of in-person nutritional and counseling expertise to a remote learning solution that allows parents who have a child with an eating disorder to understand and successfully navigate the complex journey to recovery.

Jane Reagan’s experience in the fields of nutrition and counseling spans 25 years and she currently operates a private nutrition practice in Boulder, Colorado. 

For more information about Jane and her nutrition services, please visit